
Getting Started with Maginium

Welcome to Maginium! This guide will walk you through the steps to install and set up Maginium for your projects. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, this guide is designed to get you up and running quickly.

System Requirements

Before you install Maginium, ensure your environment meets the following requirements:

  • PHP: 8.1 or newer

  • Composer: Latest version

  • Database: MySQL 8.0+, PostgreSQL, SQLite, or SQL Server

  • Web Server: Apache or Nginx

  • Extensions:

    • OpenSSL

    • PDO

    • Mbstring

    • Tokenizer

    • JSON

    • cURL

Important: Make sure your server meets these requirements to avoid unexpected issues during installation.

Installing Maginium

Maginium uses Composer to manage dependencies. If you don't have Composer installed, download and install Composer.

Step 1: Create a New Project

To start a new Maginium project, run the following command in your terminal:

composer create-project maginium/framework my-project

This will create a new folder named my-project containing all the necessary files for Maginium.

Step 2: Configure Environment

Once the installation is complete, navigate to your project directory and set up the environment file:

cd my-project
cp .env.example .env

Edit the .env file to configure your database and other environment-specific settings:


Tip: Use a strong database password to enhance security.

Step 3: Generate Application Key

Maginium requires an application key for secure encryption. Generate it using the following command:

php maginium key:generate

This command sets a unique `APP_KEY` in your `.env` file. Ensure this key remains secret.

Step 4: Serve Your Application

You can serve your application locally using the built-in development server:

php maginium serve

By default, your application will be accessible at http://localhost:8000.

Additional Installation Methods

Using Docker

Maginium provides a pre-configured Docker setup for a streamlined development environment. To use Docker:

  1. Copy the docker-compose.yml file provided in the project.

  2. Start the containers:

    docker-compose up -d
  3. Access your application at http://localhost.

Ensure Docker is installed and running on your system before using this method.

Testing Your Installation

After completing the installation, you can verify your setup by running:

php maginium test

This command will execute Maginium's test suite to ensure everything is working correctly.

Next Steps

Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed Maginium. Here are some suggested next steps:

  • Learn the Basics

  • Explore Features

  • Build Your First Application


If you encounter issues during installation:

  • Ensure your PHP version meets the requirements.

  • Verify all required PHP extensions are installed and enabled.

  • Check the permissions for your project directory.

Still stuck? Visit the Maginium Documentation or join our community forum for support.


Maginium is designed to make your development journey efficient and enjoyable. By following this guide, you're now ready to dive into building powerful applications with Maginium.

Last updated