Laravel includes a variety of functions for manipulating string values. Many of these functions are used by the framework itself; however, you are free to use them in your own applications if you find them convenient.
The __
function translates the given translation string or translation key using your language files:
If the specified translation string or key does not exist, the __
function will return the given value. So, using the example above, the __
function would return messages.welcome
if that translation key does not exist.
The class_basename
function returns the class name of the given class with the class's namespace removed:
The e
function runs PHP's htmlspecialchars
function with the double_encode
option set to true
by default:
The preg_replace_array
function replaces a given pattern in the string sequentially using an array:
The Str::after
method returns everything after the given value in a string. The entire string will be returned if the value does not exist within the string:
The Str::afterLast
method returns everything after the last occurrence of the given value in a string. The entire string will be returned if the value does not exist within the string:
The Str::apa
method converts the given string to title case following the APA guidelines:
The Str::ascii
method will attempt to transliterate the string into an ASCII value:
The Str::before
method returns everything before the given value in a string:
The Str::beforeLast
method returns everything before the last occurrence of the given value in a string:
The Str::between
method returns the portion of a string between two values:
The Str::betweenFirst
method returns the smallest possible portion of a string between two values:
The Str::camel
method converts the given string to camelCase
The Str::charAt
method returns the character at the specified index. If the index is out of bounds, false
is returned:
The Str::chopStart
method removes the first occurrence of the given value only if the value appears at the start of the string:
You may also pass an array as the second argument. If the string starts with any of the values in the array then that value will be removed from string:
The Str::chopEnd
method removes the last occurrence of the given value only if the value appears at the end of the string:
You may also pass an array as the second argument. If the string ends with any of the values in the array then that value will be removed from string:
The Str::contains
method determines if the given string contains the given value. By default this method is case sensitive:
You may also pass an array of values to determine if the given string contains any of the values in the array:
You may disable case sensitivity by setting the ignoreCase
argument to true
The Str::containsAll
method determines if the given string contains all of the values in a given array:
You may disable case sensitivity by setting the ignoreCase
argument to true
The Str::doesntContain
method determines if the given string doesn't contain the given value. By default this method is case sensitive:
You may also pass an array of values to determine if the given string doesn't contain any of the values in the array:
You may disable case sensitivity by setting the ignoreCase
argument to true
The Str::deduplicate
method replaces consecutive instances of a character with a single instance of that character in the given string. By default, the method deduplicates spaces:
You may specify a different character to deduplicate by passing it in as the second argument to the method:
The Str::endsWith
method determines if the given string ends with the given value:
You may also pass an array of values to determine if the given string ends with any of the values in the array:
The Str::excerpt
method extracts an excerpt from a given string that matches the first instance of a phrase within that string:
The radius
option, which defaults to 100
, allows you to define the number of characters that should appear on each side of the truncated string.
In addition, you may use the omission
option to define the string that will be prepended and appended to the truncated string:
The Str::finish
method adds a single instance of the given value to a string if it does not already end with that value:
The Str::headline
method will convert strings delimited by casing, hyphens, or underscores into a space delimited string with each word's first letter capitalized:
The Str::inlineMarkdown
method converts GitHub flavored Markdown into inline HTML using CommonMark. However, unlike the markdown
method, it does not wrap all generated HTML in a block-level element:
Markdown Security
By default, Markdown supports raw HTML, which will expose Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities when used with raw user input. As per the CommonMark Security documentation, you may use the html_input
option to either escape or strip raw HTML, and the allow_unsafe_links
option to specify whether to allow unsafe links. If you need to allow some raw HTML, you should pass your compiled Markdown through an HTML Purifier:
The Str::is
method determines if a given string matches a given pattern. Asterisks may be used as wildcard values:
You may disable case sensitivity by setting the ignoreCase
argument to true
The Str::isAscii
method determines if a given string is 7 bit ASCII:
The Str::isJson
method determines if the given string is valid JSON:
The Str::isUrl
method determines if the given string is a valid URL:
The isUrl
method considers a wide range of protocols as valid. However, you may specify the protocols that should be considered valid by providing them to the isUrl
The Str::isUlid
method determines if the given string is a valid ULID:
The Str::isUuid
method determines if the given string is a valid UUID:
The Str::kebab
method converts the given string to kebab-case
The Str::lcfirst
method returns the given string with the first character lowercased:
The Str::length
method returns the length of the given string:
The Str::limit
method truncates the given string to the specified length:
You may pass a third argument to the method to change the string that will be appended to the end of the truncated string:
If you would like to preserve complete words when truncating the string, you may utilize the preserveWords
argument. When this argument is true
, the string will be truncated to the nearest complete word boundary:
The Str::lower
method converts the given string to lowercase:
The Str::markdown
method converts GitHub flavored Markdown into HTML using CommonMark:
Markdown Security
By default, Markdown supports raw HTML, which will expose Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities when used with raw user input. As per the CommonMark Security documentation, you may use the html_input
option to either escape or strip raw HTML, and the allow_unsafe_links
option to specify whether to allow unsafe links. If you need to allow some raw HTML, you should pass your compiled Markdown through an HTML Purifier:
The Str::mask
method masks a portion of a string with a repeated character, and may be used to obfuscate segments of strings such as email addresses and phone numbers:
If needed, you provide a negative number as the third argument to the mask
method, which will instruct the method to begin masking at the given distance from the end of the string:
The Str::orderedUuid
method generates a "timestamp first" UUID that may be efficiently stored in an indexed database column. Each UUID that is generated using this method will be sorted after UUIDs previously generated using the method:
The Str::padBoth
method wraps PHP's str_pad
function, padding both sides of a string with another string until the final string reaches a desired length:
The Str::padLeft
method wraps PHP's str_pad
function, padding the left side of a string with another string until the final string reaches a desired length:
The Str::padRight
method wraps PHP's str_pad
function, padding the right side of a string with another string until the final string reaches a desired length:
The Str::password
method may be used to generate a secure, random password of a given length. The password will consist of a combination of letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces. By default, passwords are 32 characters long:
The Str::plural
method converts a singular word string to its plural form. This function supports any of the languages support by Laravel's pluralizer:
You may provide an integer as a second argument to the function to retrieve the singular or plural form of the string:
The Str::pluralStudly
method converts a singular word string formatted in studly caps case to its plural form. This function supports any of the languages support by Laravel's pluralizer:
You may provide an integer as a second argument to the function to retrieve the singular or plural form of the string:
The Str::position
method returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. If the substring does not exist in the given string, false
is returned:
The Str::random
method generates a random string of the specified length. This function uses PHP's random_bytes
During testing, it may be useful to "fake" the value that is returned by the Str::random
method. To accomplish this, you may use the createRandomStringsUsing
To instruct the random
method to return to generating random strings normally, you may invoke the createRandomStringsNormally
The Str::remove
method removes the given value or array of values from the string:
You may also pass false
as a third argument to the remove
method to ignore case when removing strings.
The Str::repeat
method repeats the given string:
The Str::replace
method replaces a given string within the string:
The replace
method also accepts a caseSensitive
argument. By default, the replace
method is case sensitive:
The Str::replaceArray
method replaces a given value in the string sequentially using an array:
The Str::replaceFirst
method replaces the first occurrence of a given value in a string:
The Str::replaceLast
method replaces the last occurrence of a given value in a string:
The Str::replaceMatches
method replaces all portions of a string matching a pattern with the given replacement string:
The replaceMatches
method also accepts a closure that will be invoked with each portion of the string matching the given pattern, allowing you to perform the replacement logic within the closure and return the replaced value:
The Str::replaceStart
method replaces the first occurrence of the given value only if the value appears at the start of the string:
The Str::replaceEnd
method replaces the last occurrence of the given value only if the value appears at the end of the string:
The Str::reverse
method reverses the given string:
The Str::singular
method converts a string to its singular form. This function supports any of the languages support by Laravel's pluralizer:
The Str::slug
method generates a URL friendly "slug" from the given string:
The Str::snake
method converts the given string to snake_case
The Str::squish
method removes all extraneous white space from a string, including extraneous white space between words:
The Str::start
method adds a single instance of the given value to a string if it does not already start with that value:
The Str::startsWith
method determines if the given string begins with the given value:
If an array of possible values is passed, the startsWith
method will return true
if the string begins with any of the given values:
The Str::studly
method converts the given string to StudlyCase
The Str::substr
method returns the portion of string specified by the start and length parameters:
The Str::substrCount
method returns the number of occurrences of a given value in the given string:
The Str::substrReplace
method replaces text within a portion of a string, starting at the position specified by the third argument and replacing the number of characters specified by the fourth argument. Passing 0
to the method's fourth argument will insert the string at the specified position without replacing any of the existing characters in the string:
The Str::swap
method replaces multiple values in the given string using PHP's strtr
The Str::take
method returns a specified number of characters from the beginning of a string:
The Str::title
method converts the given string to Title Case
The Str::toBase64
method converts the given string to Base64:
The Str::transliterate
method will attempt to convert a given string into its closest ASCII representation:
The Str::trim
method strips whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of the given string. Unlike PHP's native trim
function, the Str::trim
method also removes unicode whitespace characters:
The Str::ltrim
method strips whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of the given string. Unlike PHP's native ltrim
function, the Str::ltrim
method also removes unicode whitespace characters:
The Str::rtrim
method strips whitespace (or other characters) from the end of the given string. Unlike PHP's native rtrim
function, the Str::rtrim
method also removes unicode whitespace characters:
The Str::ucfirst
method returns the given string with the first character capitalized:
The Str::ucsplit
method splits the given string into an array by uppercase characters:
The Str::upper
method converts the given string to uppercase:
The Str::ulid
method generates a ULID, which is a compact, time-ordered unique identifier:
If you would like to retrieve a Illuminate\Support\Carbon
date instance representing the date and time that a given ULID was created, you may use the createFromId
method provided by Laravel's Carbon integration:
During testing, it may be useful to "fake" the value that is returned by the Str::ulid
method. To accomplish this, you may use the createUlidsUsing
To instruct the ulid
method to return to generating ULIDs normally, you may invoke the createUlidsNormally
The Str::unwrap
method removes the specified strings from the beginning and end of a given string:
The Str::uuid
method generates a UUID (version 4):
During testing, it may be useful to "fake" the value that is returned by the Str::uuid
method. To accomplish this, you may use the createUuidsUsing
To instruct the uuid
method to return to generating UUIDs normally, you may invoke the createUuidsNormally
The Str::wordCount
method returns the number of words that a string contains:
The Str::wordWrap
method wraps a string to a given number of characters:
The Str::words
method limits the number of words in a string. An additional string may be passed to this method via its third argument to specify which string should be appended to the end of the truncated string:
The Str::wrap
method wraps the given string with an additional string or pair of strings:
The str
function returns a new Illuminate\Support\Stringable
instance of the given string. This function is equivalent to the Str::of
If no argument is provided to the str
function, the function returns an instance of Illuminate\Support\Str
The trans
function translates the given translation key using your language files:
If the specified translation key does not exist, the trans
function will return the given key. So, using the example above, the trans
function would return messages.welcome
if the translation key does not exist.
The trans_choice
function translates the given translation key with inflection:
If the specified translation key does not exist, the trans_choice
function will return the given key. So, using the example above, the trans_choice
function would return messages.notifications
if the translation key does not exist.
Fluent strings provide a more fluent, object-oriented interface for working with string values, allowing you to chain multiple string operations together using a more readable syntax compared to traditional string operations.
The after
method returns everything after the given value in a string. The entire string will be returned if the value does not exist within the string:
The afterLast
method returns everything after the last occurrence of the given value in a string. The entire string will be returned if the value does not exist within the string:
The apa
method converts the given string to title case following the APA guidelines:
The append
method appends the given values to the string:
The ascii
method will attempt to transliterate the string into an ASCII value:
The basename
method will return the trailing name component of the given string:
If needed, you may provide an "extension" that will be removed from the trailing component:
The before
method returns everything before the given value in a string:
The beforeLast
method returns everything before the last occurrence of the given value in a string:
The between
method returns the portion of a string between two values:
The betweenFirst
method returns the smallest possible portion of a string between two values:
The camel
method converts the given string to camelCase
The charAt
method returns the character at the specified index. If the index is out of bounds, false
is returned:
The classBasename
method returns the class name of the given class with the class's namespace removed:
The chopStart
method removes the first occurrence of the given value only if the value appears at the start of the string:
You may also pass an array. If the string starts with any of the values in the array then that value will be removed from string:
The chopEnd
method removes the last occurrence of the given value only if the value appears at the end of the string:
You may also pass an array. If the string ends with any of the values in the array then that value will be removed from string:
The contains
method determines if the given string contains the given value. By default this method is case sensitive:
You may also pass an array of values to determine if the given string contains any of the values in the array:
You can disable case sensitivity by setting the ignoreCase
argument to true
The containsAll
method determines if the given string contains all of the values in the given array:
You can disable case sensitivity by setting the ignoreCase
argument to true
The deduplicate
method replaces consecutive instances of a character with a single instance of that character in the given string. By default, the method deduplicates spaces:
You may specify a different character to deduplicate by passing it in as the second argument to the method:
The dirname
method returns the parent directory portion of the given string:
If necessary, you may specify how many directory levels you wish to trim from the string:
The endsWith
method determines if the given string ends with the given value:
You may also pass an array of values to determine if the given string ends with any of the values in the array:
The exactly
method determines if the given string is an exact match with another string:
The excerpt
method extracts an excerpt from the string that matches the first instance of a phrase within that string:
The radius
option, which defaults to 100
, allows you to define the number of characters that should appear on each side of the truncated string.
In addition, you may use the omission
option to change the string that will be prepended and appended to the truncated string:
The explode
method splits the string by the given delimiter and returns a collection containing each section of the split string:
The finish
method adds a single instance of the given value to a string if it does not already end with that value:
The headline
method will convert strings delimited by casing, hyphens, or underscores into a space delimited string with each word's first letter capitalized:
The inlineMarkdown
method converts GitHub flavored Markdown into inline HTML using CommonMark. However, unlike the markdown
method, it does not wrap all generated HTML in a block-level element:
Markdown Security
By default, Markdown supports raw HTML, which will expose Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities when used with raw user input. As per the CommonMark Security documentation, you may use the html_input
option to either escape or strip raw HTML, and the allow_unsafe_links
option to specify whether to allow unsafe links. If you need to allow some raw HTML, you should pass your compiled Markdown through an HTML Purifier:
The is
method determines if a given string matches a given pattern. Asterisks may be used as wildcard values
The isAscii
method determines if a given string is an ASCII string:
The isEmpty
method determines if the given string is empty:
The isNotEmpty
method determines if the given string is not empty:
The isJson
method determines if a given string is valid JSON:
The isUlid
method determines if a given string is a ULID:
The isUrl
method determines if a given string is a URL:
The isUrl
method considers a wide range of protocols as valid. However, you may specify the protocols that should be considered valid by providing them to the isUrl
The isUuid
method determines if a given string is a UUID:
The kebab
method converts the given string to kebab-case
The lcfirst
method returns the given string with the first character lowercased:
The length
method returns the length of the given string:
The limit
method truncates the given string to the specified length:
You may also pass a second argument to change the string that will be appended to the end of the truncated string:
If you would like to preserve complete words when truncating the string, you may utilize the preserveWords
argument. When this argument is true
, the string will be truncated to the nearest complete word boundary:
The lower
method converts the given string to lowercase:
The markdown
method converts GitHub flavored Markdown into HTML:
Markdown Security
By default, Markdown supports raw HTML, which will expose Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities when used with raw user input. As per the CommonMark Security documentation, you may use the html_input
option to either escape or strip raw HTML, and the allow_unsafe_links
option to specify whether to allow unsafe links. If you need to allow some raw HTML, you should pass your compiled Markdown through an HTML Purifier:
The mask
method masks a portion of a string with a repeated character, and may be used to obfuscate segments of strings such as email addresses and phone numbers:
If needed, you may provide negative numbers as the third or fourth argument to the mask
method, which will instruct the method to begin masking at the given distance from the end of the string:
The match
method will return the portion of a string that matches a given regular expression pattern:
The matchAll
method will return a collection containing the portions of a string that match a given regular expression pattern:
If you specify a matching group within the expression, Laravel will return a collection of the first matching group's matches:
If no matches are found, an empty collection will be returned.
The isMatch
method will return true
if the string matches a given regular expression:
The newLine
method appends an "end of line" character to a string:
The padBoth
method wraps PHP's str_pad
function, padding both sides of a string with another string until the final string reaches the desired length:
The padLeft
method wraps PHP's str_pad
function, padding the left side of a string with another string until the final string reaches the desired length:
The padRight
method wraps PHP's str_pad
function, padding the right side of a string with another string until the final string reaches the desired length:
The pipe
method allows you to transform the string by passing its current value to the given callable:
The plural
method converts a singular word string to its plural form. This function supports any of the languages support by Laravel's pluralizer:
You may provide an integer as a second argument to the function to retrieve the singular or plural form of the string:
The position
method returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. If the substring does not exist within the string, false
is returned:
The prepend
method prepends the given values onto the string:
The remove
method removes the given value or array of values from the string:
You may also pass false
as a second parameter to ignore case when removing strings.
The repeat
method repeats the given string:
The replace
method replaces a given string within the string:
The replace
method also accepts a caseSensitive
argument. By default, the replace
method is case sensitive:
The replaceArray
method replaces a given value in the string sequentially using an array:
The replaceFirst
method replaces the first occurrence of a given value in a string:
The replaceLast
method replaces the last occurrence of a given value in a string:
The replaceMatches
method replaces all portions of a string matching a pattern with the given replacement string:
The replaceMatches
method also accepts a closure that will be invoked with each portion of the string matching the given pattern, allowing you to perform the replacement logic within the closure and return the replaced value:
The replaceStart
method replaces the first occurrence of the given value only if the value appears at the start of the string:
The replaceEnd
method replaces the last occurrence of the given value only if the value appears at the end of the string:
The scan
method parses input from a string into a collection according to a format supported by the sscanf
PHP function:
The singular
method converts a string to its singular form. This function supports any of the languages support by Laravel's pluralizer:
The slug
method generates a URL friendly "slug" from the given string:
The snake
method converts the given string to snake_case
The split
method splits a string into a collection using a regular expression:
The squish
method removes all extraneous white space from a string, including extraneous white space between words:
The start
method adds a single instance of the given value to a string if it does not already start with that value:
The startsWith
method determines if the given string begins with the given value:
The stripTags
method removes all HTML and PHP tags from a string:
The studly
method converts the given string to StudlyCase
The substr
method returns the portion of the string specified by the given start and length parameters:
The substrReplace
method replaces text within a portion of a string, starting at the position specified by the second argument and replacing the number of characters specified by the third argument. Passing 0
to the method's third argument will insert the string at the specified position without replacing any of the existing characters in the string:
The swap
method replaces multiple values in the string using PHP's strtr
The take
method returns a specified number of characters from the beginning of the string:
The tap
method passes the string to the given closure, allowing you to examine and interact with the string while not affecting the string itself. The original string is returned by the tap
method regardless of what is returned by the closure:
The test
method determines if a string matches the given regular expression pattern:
The title
method converts the given string to Title Case
The toBase64
method converts the given string to Base64:
The toHtmlString
method converts the given string to an instance of Illuminate\Support\HtmlString
, which will not be escaped when rendered in Blade templates:
The transliterate
method will attempt to convert a given string into its closest ASCII representation:
The trim
method trims the given string. Unlike PHP's native trim
function, Laravel's trim
method also removes unicode whitespace characters:
The ltrim
method trims the left side of the string. Unlike PHP's native ltrim
function, Laravel's ltrim
method also removes unicode whitespace characters:
The rtrim
method trims the right side of the given string. Unlike PHP's native rtrim
function, Laravel's rtrim
method also removes unicode whitespace characters:
The ucfirst
method returns the given string with the first character capitalized:
The ucsplit
method splits the given string into a collection by uppercase characters:
The unwrap
method removes the specified strings from the beginning and end of a given string:
The upper
method converts the given string to uppercase:
The when
method invokes the given closure if a given condition is true
. The closure will receive the fluent string instance:
If necessary, you may pass another closure as the third parameter to the when
method. This closure will execute if the condition parameter evaluates to false
The whenContains
method invokes the given closure if the string contains the given value. The closure will receive the fluent string instance:
If necessary, you may pass another closure as the third parameter to the when
method. This closure will execute if the string does not contain the given value.
You may also pass an array of values to determine if the given string contains any of the values in the array:
The whenContainsAll
method invokes the given closure if the string contains all of the given sub-strings. The closure will receive the fluent string instance:
If necessary, you may pass another closure as the third parameter to the when
method. This closure will execute if the condition parameter evaluates to false
The whenEmpty
method invokes the given closure if the string is empty. If the closure returns a value, that value will also be returned by the whenEmpty
method. If the closure does not return a value, the fluent string instance will be returned:
The whenNotEmpty
method invokes the given closure if the string is not empty. If the closure returns a value, that value will also be returned by the whenNotEmpty
method. If the closure does not return a value, the fluent string instance will be returned:
The whenStartsWith
method invokes the given closure if the string starts with the given sub-string. The closure will receive the fluent string instance:
The whenEndsWith
method invokes the given closure if the string ends with the given sub-string. The closure will receive the fluent string instance:
The whenExactly
method invokes the given closure if the string exactly matches the given string. The closure will receive the fluent string instance:
The whenNotExactly
method invokes the given closure if the string does not exactly match the given string. The closure will receive the fluent string instance:
The whenIs
method invokes the given closure if the string matches a given pattern. Asterisks may be used as wildcard values. The closure will receive the fluent string instance:
The whenIsAscii
method invokes the given closure if the string is 7 bit ASCII. The closure will receive the fluent string instance:
The whenIsUlid
method invokes the given closure if the string is a valid ULID. The closure will receive the fluent string instance:
The whenIsUuid
method invokes the given closure if the string is a valid UUID. The closure will receive the fluent string instance:
The whenTest
method invokes the given closure if the string matches the given regular expression. The closure will receive the fluent string instance:
The wordCount
method returns the number of words that a string contains:
The words
method limits the number of words in a string. If necessary, you may specify an additional string that will be appended to the truncated string:
The wrap
method wraps the given string with an additional string or pair of strings:
Last updated