Tier prices

catalog Tier Price Storage V1Update Post


Add or update product prices. If any items will have invalid price, price type, website id, sku, customer group or quantity, they will be marked as failed and excluded from update list and \Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\PriceUpdateResultInterface[] with problem description will be returned. If there were no failed items during update empty array will be returned. If error occurred during the update exception will be thrown.

Header parameters
Example: application/json
Example: {"prices":[{"price":21804712.969169542,"price_type":"ullamco voluptate incididunt velit et","website_id":-65136892,"sku":"anim magna exercitation","customer_group":"pariatur velit","quantity":-17125640.573636994,"extension_attributes":{}},{"price":88335992.19005963,"price_type":"ex","website_id":72431031,"sku":"Excepteur aute enim","customer_group":"amet","quantity":-78675421.14905852,"extension_attributes":{}}]}
curl -L \
  --request POST \
  --url 'http://{{baseurl}}/V1/products/tier-prices' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "prices": [
        "price": 21804712.969169542,
        "price_type": "ullamco voluptate incididunt velit et",
        "website_id": -65136892,
        "sku": "anim magna exercitation",
        "customer_group": "pariatur velit",
        "quantity": -17125640.573636994,
        "extension_attributes": {}
        "price": 88335992.19005963,
        "price_type": "ex",
        "website_id": 72431031,
        "sku": "Excepteur aute enim",
        "customer_group": "amet",
        "quantity": -78675421.14905852,
        "extension_attributes": {}
    "message": "Duis",
    "parameters": [
      "Excepteur in pariatur",
      "ut n"
    "extension_attributes": {}
    "message": "aliqua pariatur",
    "parameters": [
      "tempor adipisicing voluptate est",
      "incididunt est sint in proident"
    "extension_attributes": {}

catalog Tier Price Storage V1Replace Put


Remove existing tier prices and replace them with the new ones. If any items will have invalid price, price type, website id, sku, customer group or quantity, they will be marked as failed and excluded from replace list and \Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\PriceUpdateResultInterface[] with problem description will be returned. If there were no failed items during update empty array will be returned. If error occurred during the update exception will be thrown.

Header parameters
Example: application/json
Example: {"prices":[{"price":19216035.254590124,"price_type":"Duis Ut","website_id":5133488,"sku":"irure quis minim amet tempor","customer_group":"mollit nostrud reprehenderit","quantity":-4871832.695546806,"extension_attributes":{}},{"price":14720943.397007912,"price_type":"cillum est ad eu","website_id":53384041,"sku":"sit voluptate","customer_group":"fugiat cillum mollit","quantity":-23893126.237930804,"extension_attributes":{}}]}
curl -L \
  --request PUT \
  --url 'http://{{baseurl}}/V1/products/tier-prices' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "prices": [
        "price": 19216035.254590124,
        "price_type": "Duis Ut",
        "website_id": 5133488,
        "sku": "irure quis minim amet tempor",
        "customer_group": "mollit nostrud reprehenderit",
        "quantity": -4871832.695546806,
        "extension_attributes": {}
        "price": 14720943.397007912,
        "price_type": "cillum est ad eu",
        "website_id": 53384041,
        "sku": "sit voluptate",
        "customer_group": "fugiat cillum mollit",
        "quantity": -23893126.237930804,
        "extension_attributes": {}
    "message": "Duis",
    "parameters": [
      "Excepteur in pariatur",
      "ut n"
    "extension_attributes": {}
    "message": "aliqua pariatur",
    "parameters": [
      "tempor adipisicing voluptate est",
      "incididunt est sint in proident"
    "extension_attributes": {}