Delete product's special price. If any items will have invalid price, store id, sku or dates, they will be marked as failed and excluded from delete list and \Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\PriceUpdateResultInterface[] with problem description will be returned. If there were no failed items during update empty array will be returned. If error occurred during the delete exception will be thrown.
{"prices":[{"price":-44487769.57552454,"store_id":-47083363,"sku":"dolor eiusmod sint","price_from":"non ullamco","price_to":"Lorem eu fugiat in sed","extension_attributes":{}},{"price":97506211.95759773,"store_id":-15704685,"sku":"consequat nostrud velit nulla","price_from":"dolor adipisicing in","price_to":"cupidat","extension_attributes":{}}]}