Get Stock data by given stockId. If you want to create plugin on get method, also you need to create separate plugin on getList method, because entity loading way is different for these methods
Save Stock data
{"stock":{"stock_id":-88693904,"name":"est proident ut laboris adipisicing","extension_attributes":{"sales_channels":[{"type":"mollit Ut tempor occaecat","code":"in nisi dolor","extension_attributes":{"value":"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"}},{"type":"mollit nostrud","code":"minim sed","extension_attributes":{"value":"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"}}]}}}
Delete the Stock data by stockId. If stock is not found do nothing
Find Stocks by given SearchCriteria SearchCriteria is not required because load all stocks is useful case
Condition type
Sorting field.
Sorting direction.
Page size.
Current page.
Save Stock data
{"stock":{"stock_id":-88693904,"name":"est proident ut laboris adipisicing","extension_attributes":{"sales_channels":[{"type":"mollit Ut tempor occaecat","code":"in nisi dolor","extension_attributes":{"value":"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"}},{"type":"mollit nostrud","code":"minim sed","extension_attributes":{"value":"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"}}]}}}